let us help set expectations before inspection day
A long path has been traversed to get to inspection day. It may feel like this is the final hurdle to jump before making the big decision to purchase. The seller, agents, lenders, and everyone else participating in this sale are all hoping for the best. Most of all, your home inspector. It is important, however, to hold appropriate expectations about homes before the day of inspection. So, below are expectations to consider before the inspection:
Most times inspectors find minor problems, which are easily solved but no home is free from defects. Not even brand new homes.
Builders have learned to improve homes, so older homes will have problems that newer homes may not. For example, leaky windows.
Inspectors are not miracle workers, and we can miss things, too. For example, behind couches or dressers, or blocked closets.
The state of a home changes from day to day and occupant to occupant. So, on inspection day we may not find a defect that appears later when it rains.
Your agent’s job is to help, so use them as a valuable resource to solve problems that arise. Keep calm and and don’t kill a deal over small problems or disagreements. It’s probably best to help your agent negotiate with the other party, and enjoy your new home!
So, now that we’ve set expectation before the big day, what should you expect on the day of inspection?
what to expect on inspection day
We will…
Be early and start right away by evaluating the grounds, exterior, and roof.
Warmly greet you (it will probably be the first time we meet in person)
Encourage you to join us on the inspection, if you wish
Work for you — our client, which means keeping your interests in mind
Use everyday language, not lingo or specialized jargon
Act and communicate responsibly and professionally with high ethical standards
Answer questions respectfully with no racial, ethnic or sexist undertones
Start broad, and progressively move into detail
Be efficient about time, it will take approximately 2-3 hours
Be detailed-oriented
Attempt to report on all deficiencies according to our standards of practice.
Bring to your attention significant issues right away
Take a lot of pictures
Inspect over 500 components of the home
Record all the notes, so you don’t need to remember anything
Show a visual and photo-based summary before departing
Send a complete and professional report within 24 hours
Work with your agent to communicate information, if you wish
Perform additional radon, water quality, and septic system testing, if requested
We hope this simple guide helps alleviate some anxiety. We are excited to help you meet your goals! See you soon!